Our Team

Contact Our Team

Email for general inquiries: info@pmacademy.ca

Reception phone: 1 236 967 1234 - Ms. A. Cameron

Teaching Faculty contact information:

Mr. Joshua Clark, B.Sc. Queens: Science, Math, Art, Coding, Career Education, Physical and Health Education

Mr. Joshua Clark has spent the past two years teaching Chemistry and Science in the International Baccalaureate Programme at the American College of Sofia, Bulgaria (IB International and American curriculum). He is thrilled to be a part of the exciting work being done at Phoenix Magnet Academy. Having originally studied engineering at Queen"s University in Kingston, Ontario, Mr. Clark chose to enter education out of a passion for teaching and a love of learning. Equipped with a broad background that spans math and the sciences, Mr. Clark brings his enthusiasm and expertise to the students of PMA. Additionally, he looks forward to sharing his love of the outdoors. From rock climbing and camping, to biking and hiking, Mr. Clark loves to do it all and he feels privileged to be working in stunning Squamish, British Columbia. Mr. Clark looks forward to engaging with the natural beauty around our campus. He is inspired by the mission of Phoenix Magnet Academy which brings together his dual passion of teaching and the experiential education in the outdoors.


email: jclark@pmacademy.ca

Ms. Catherine Bouchard B.Ed. Sherbrooke: Social Studies, French, Photography, Physical and Health Education, Applied Design and Skills Training

Ms. Catherine Bouchard est une jeune enseignante originaire du Québec, qui a déménagé en Colombie-Britannique en 2019.  
Après son secondaire au Séminaire de Sherbrooke, elle a complété des études en arts et lettres et en sciences naturelles au CÉGEP de Sherbrooke. Suite à cela, elle est entrée à l’Université de Sherbrooke en Géomatique pour compléter un certificat, ce qui lui a apporté des connaissances en programmation, écologie, informatique et cartographie. Elle a également travaillé comme assistante de recherche pour le professeur Alain Royer, pour aider à développer l’utilisation des données de stéréo radargramétrie RADARSAT-2 dans le calcul de la fonte des glaciers de l’Arctique canadien, plus spécifiquement les calottes glaciaires Penny et Barnes.  
Suite à son année d’études en géomatique, elle s’est redirigée vers l’enseignement des sciences humaines (histoire, géographie, économie, politique), toujours à l’Université de Sherbrooke, qui est reconnue pour la qualité de son programme en enseignement et son intrégration créative d’un mémoire de recherche à la fin du programme. Pour son mémoire de recherche, Ms Bouchard s’est concentrée sur l’effet de l’utilisation d’outils géographiques interactifs et en ligne pour développer les capacités des élèves à lire et utiliser des cartes. Sa recherche, combinée avec son dernier stage en enseignement, lui ont permis de mieux comprendre le lien important entre la recherche académique et l’enseignement pratique, qu’elle espère préserver dans sa pratique toute sa carrière.  
Lors de son parcours en enseignement, elle s’est démarquée par ses résultats et a reçu une mention spéciale de l’Université pour l’excellence de ses notes.  

Suite à l’obtention de son diplôme en enseignement, Ms. Bouchard a voyagé pendant plusieurs mois à travers le monde, puis a décidé de venir s’installer en Colombie-Britannique. Elle a enseigné quelques années dans la zone Métropolitaine de Vancouver, dans l’école francophone Gabrielle-Roy, puis a déménagé à Squamish en 2021.  

Elle est une enseignante motivée, qui aime relever des défis et intégrer l’environnement qui l’entoure à son enseignement. Selon elle, Squamish est un endroit parfait pour marier performance académique avec expériences concrètes. Elle est ravie de faire partie de l’équipe de PMA et d’apporter son savoir académique, ainsi que son savoir pratique en escalade, longue randonnée, kayak, vélo et autres, pour offrir des apprentissage et expériences enrichissantes à tous ses élèves.  

English version:

Ms. Catherine Bouchard is a young teacher from Quebec, who moved to British Columbia in 2019. 

After completing high school at the Séminaire de Sherbrooke, Ms. Bouchard studied arts and literature and natural sciences at CÉGEP de Sherbrooke for 3 years. Following this, she entered the GIS studies program at University of Sherbrooke, to complete a certificate. It gave her knowledge of programming, ecology, computer science and cartography. She also worked as a research assistant for Professor Alain Royer, to help develop the use of RADARSAT-2 stereo radargrammetry in calculating the melting of Canadian Arctic glaciers, more specifically the Penny and Barnes ice caps. 

Following her year of studies in GIS, Ms Bouchard decided to enter Université de Sherbrooke’s faculty of Education, in socials studies (history, geography, economics, politics), which is recognized for the quality of its program and its creative integration of a research memoir at the end of the program. For her research paper, Ms. Bouchard focused on the effects of using interactive and online geographic tools to develop students" abilities to read and use maps. Her research, combined with her last teaching practicum, has given her a better understanding of the important link between academic research and practical teaching, which she hopes to preserve in her practice throughout her career. 

During her studies, Ms. Bouchard was commended for her academic results and received a special mention from the University for the excellence of her grades at the end of her 4-year program. 

After obtaining her teaching diploma, Ms. Bouchard traveled for several months around the world, then decided to come and settle in British Columbia. She taught for a few years in the Greater Vancouver area, at the francophone school Gabrielle-Roy, then moved to Squamish in 2021. She joined the PMA team in January 2022.  

Ms. Bouchard is a motivated teacher, who likes to take up challenges and integrates the environment around her into her teachings. According to Ms. Bouchard, Squamish is a perfect place to combine academic performance with concrete experiences. She is delighted to be part of the PMA team and to bring her academic knowledge, as well as her practical knowledge in climbing, hiking, trail running, kayaking, biking and more, to offer enriching learning and experiences to all her students. 

Mr. Travis Webber BA B.Ed. VIU: English, Math, ELL/ESL 

Travis Webber has over eight years of experience in developing student- centered curriculum and individualized learning plans for students in Math 7-12, Science 10, Earth Sciences 11, Social Studies 9 11, and English 10-12 to attain improved standards for learning. Mr. Webber is well-versed in accelerating learners’ engagement via on-site and remote interactions for achieving optimal results. Proactive with active involvement in tailoring teaching style in accordance with students’ needs, utilizing robust teaching techniques, and creating specialized assignments and tests to enhance students’ academic performance. Expert in explaining math concepts, preparing students for exams, and generating student competency reports. 

Mr. Webber also assists staff and students with (OneNote, Word, and PowerPoint), Canvas, PowerSchool, Moodle, Zoom, Class-In, Google Classroom, Google Docs, Google Drive, StudyForge, Kurzweil, screen-capture software, and video editing software. His strengths are:

• Teaching and Learning Methodologies

• Individual Student Needs / Abilities Assessment

• One-to-one and Virtual Education

• Lesson Plans / Curriculum Development

• Students’ Progress Evaluation


Email: twebber@pmacademy.ca

Ms. Ashleah Cameron - Office Administrator


Phone: 1.236.967.1234

Email: acameron@pmacademy.ca



Our highly experienced Academic Advisors and Counselling Team have many years of successful educational advising: helping to place thousands of students into elite post-secondary programs (UBC, Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Brown, MIT, U of T, Waterloo, and SFU) and successful careers - around the world.

Ms Carol Huang - Translator (Chinese/English) and Student Counsellor and Advisor 

Carol Huang is the owner and manager of Dr. Panda Academy. 

She has a Masters degree in English education, and 23 years of teaching and administrative experience both in China and Canada. She used to be the youngest Director of Student Department in one of the school districts in Shanghai. Her insights with teenagers makes Carol an amazing mentor as well as a dear friend to help students better understand themselves and pursue their dreams.

Ms. Huang is contracted to work with PMA in a variety of capacities: supporting our planning, our students and our PMA families.

Ms. Rupi Samra -

Ms. Samra-Gynane has worked in educational consulting and educational leadership for 24 years. She started her career as a mathematics and senior sciences teacher, worked as an author and consultant for two major publishing companies and for the last 15 years has led the students, staff and faculty of some of the top public secondary schools in British Columbia. She has a passion for programming and has experience collaborating with industry on programs including work with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS (Technology Education and Literacy in Schools) and building Advanced Placement (AP), French Immersion (FI), Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and outdoor place based programs such as TREK and Aventures (FI program). Her experience with student programming, and also her extensive travels within North America and overseas with students  - to countries including Italy, Germany, Austria, Japan and Guatemala - have contributed to her expertise and ability to support International students and families with graduation and post-secondary plans. Ms. Samra is a Student Recruitment Representative for PMA this Fall (2022), a business development consultant, and a student advisor at PMA.

Ms. Samra is sharing her consulting, marketing, and Academic Advising services with PMA.


Email: info@pmacademy.ca

Our Clinical Counsellor, Kaera Ross: 

Kaera Ross (M.Ed Counselling Psychology) was born and raised in Coast Salish territories, and spent their summers in the Squamish valley learning about the natural world. They are a graduate of Simon Fraser University’s Indigenous Perspectives Teacher Education Program and has worked to bring attention to Squamish traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in all areas of the curriculum. They have been a writer and consultant for Nelson Publishing’s K-7 Social Studies Curriculum.

As a teacher-counsellor, Kaeras training through the University of British Columbia’s Counselling Psychology program includes narrative therapy, and cognitive behavioural approaches to better support young people in achieving their goals. Kaera is trained in remote counselling for students to improve accessibility for clients.


email: info@pmacademy.ca

Geoff Taylor, BA, MEd - Head of School and Academic Advisor


Our Head of School at PMA, Mr. Geoff Taylor, BA, MEd, has been a teacher, mentor, tutor, and Academic Advisor for over 35 years. A UBC alumnus, Mr. Taylor has been a high school administrator since 2007, and has had the pleasure of successfully advising senior students through the process of acceptance into British, American, and Canadian universities: such as Oxford, Cambridge, Wellesley, University of Toronto, Waterloo, Cornell, Brown, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, Rice, UBC and many more. Additionally, Mr. Taylor has worked closely with senior students entering Art Colleges (Emily Carr, Pratt, Parsons) and Technical Institutes (MIT), as well as the world of work – always aiming to help all students achieve their dreams and their highest potential.

All PMA students have Mr. Taylor available as their personal one on one Academic Advisor in their senior year.


General PMA Contact 

PMA Mailing address -

Phoenix Magnet Academy - 

3190 University Blvd. Squamish. BC V8B 0P8

Email for general inquiries:


Reception phone: 1 236 967 1234
